@adam Did you know that http://feed.nashownotes.com/rss.xml stopped updating in early June? Was this accidental?
@darrenoneill @adam Yes however the developer says since the XML will not vaildate anymore the application will not get the updates from the feed.
@darrenoneill @adam Easier said than done unfortunately, this app was working with the Podcasting 2.0 stuff until June. I was just hoping a change could be made that would work for both.
@adam @darrenoneill @Genen I've found a solution to the problem that will allow the application to work with only minor changes to the feed's XML file.
1. Declare the itunes and podcast name spaces in the root tag.
2. Replace all uses of the ampersand character with word and.
3. Replace all uses on &ndsp; with and actual space character.
With these changes the XML will validate correctly and the application work again. I've tested this solution by hosting the feed's XML file myself.
@pjd3 @darrenoneill Dogcatcher has a broken parser. AFAIK the ONLY legacy app that has issues.
@adam @darrenoneill If we put aside Dogcatcher for the moment, in my testing both the parser from w3.org and Firefox flag issues in the XML as well. The ampersand is a special character in the XML spec and should avoided. The other change is a minor change to the root element which I would be glad to share.
@adam @darrenoneill Digging further into the application issue and it appears that it's failing to parse the rss/channel/podcast:liveItem/enclosure/@url element which was added in early June. Not sure if changes were made to the feed but it parses in Firefox now.
@adam @darrenoneill This is interesting when the XML file is hosted on Adam’s server Firefox parses it fine, but when it hosted on my server it has parsing errors.
@adam @darrenoneill @Genen Adam thank you for adding the CDATA sections to the XML file, this really helps me a lot.
I'm experimenting with creating a shell script to remove the one enclosure tag that is causing the DoggCatcher application to fail. Currently the developer isn’t planning on updating the application to address this or any other issues.🙁
@pjd3 @adam Some programs have issues with Podcasting 2.0 additions. I would suggest avoiding those.