You don't need to use link shorteners on Mastodon!
All links on Mastodon count as 23 characters towards your post limit, no matter how long the links actually are.
Link shortener services like, etc track users who click on their links. This is really bad for privacy, so Mastodon removed any practical need to use them. If you still use link shorteners on Mastodon, people may assume you are just doing it for tracking purposes.
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What would be a great pair of headphones for listening to music with... Like not shitty earbuds, real headphones. I have been looking at Sennheiser pretty hard. I am willing to save some money and pay a premium.
digiKam 8 has landed 📸! After two years of development and bug stomping, the newest version of KDE's advanced digital photo management app is finally here.
digiKam 8.0 comes loaded with new features, not least of which are a brand new online manual (available at, support for more than 10 new RAW formats, a new OCR tool that will help you lift text out of images, and much, much more.